EazyCut : Own Manufacturing of Tailor Made Solid Carbide Round Tools.

STAPL is a well-established enterprise in the Pune region and has been operating in the field of Industrial Consumables distribution since the last 35 years now.
In our constant endeavor to support and serve our customer base we started round tools manufacturing unit. Our products include solid-carbide tools mainly non-standard – drills, endmills, reamers, etc.
These Tools are offered under the EazyCut brand name. In a short period of time, we have been able to gain customer confidence and with this goodwill we now look forward to expanding our manufacturing capacity.
- EazyCut has successfully developed drills for cast irons, steels and SS. We have been able to do this by modifying. the drill geometries, edge preparation and coating. Our Tools also regularly run on Inconel, and Duplex Stainless Steels.
Manufacturing Facility (EazyCut )
1)5-Axis Tool & Cutter: Anca MX5
We have two no’s of Anca MX5 machines equipped with fully advanced Laser Plus technology in order to online inspection of form tools ,step tools , critical shapes tools and etc… in the machine itself. Also, machine has 300X inbuilt camera to inspect the tools in machine .
2)Zoller Smile 400 measuring machine:
We have also the Zoller Smile 400 measuring machine to check tools for final inspection.
3) Visual Inspection System – Sipcon
This machine is used for online inspection while manufacturing the tools.
For checking Edge and geometry checking of drill ,Endmills,reamers ,form tools. Etc.…
4)We also have Optical microscope with digital camera to create edge honing and measure for cutting edge geometry & honing
5)Cylidrical Grinding machines:
We have one machine of Micromatic make ECO 200 specially for blank finish grinding and another machine is Jones and shipmen make used for Rough grinding of blanks.
6)TGT Parting machine:
We have special machine for rod parting.
7)Wendt Dressing machine with projector:
We also have special wheel dressing machine for dressing wheel ,form wheels accurately as per tensil
on to projector. Which gives us very proper and precise dressing of the wheel pack at a time , which help us to
maintain the tool geometry , profile on tools correctly.
7)Tool and Cutter Grinder:
Jones and shipmen make tool and cutter grinders for manual works.
8) Polishing and Edge honing Machine:
This machine is developed in-house . Which control geometrical characteristics and tools polishing using media from OTEC Germany